Abstract Submission
Deadline: Monday 15th December 2025
The HTLV Conference 2026 invites research papers of high quality in areas of HTLV research. Abstract submissions are peer reviewed for quality of research, scientific content, and logical presentation.
Accepted abstracts are scheduled as oral or poster abstract presentations. Presenting an abstract at the HTLV Conference is a unique opportunity for your work to gain exposure and recognition within the HTLV community.
Abstract submission categories
Your abstract should be submitted to one of the following categories:
- Oncology and ATL
- Inflammation and HAM/TSP
- Infection/coinfection
- Infectivity
- Persistence
- Pathogenesis and animal models
- Policy/social impact/stigma
- Therapy
- Diagnosis
- Epidemiology
- Transmission Prevention
- Social determinants
- Viral Proteins and Molecular Biology
- Host pathogen interaction